The Comic.

Puppertrators is a comic featuring dogs and dark humor. I could get into it more, but for now this covers it. Maybe I’ll add more later.

The Art.

Sometimes I like to make other art not related to the puppertrators comic. I’ve put these into a collection called “everything else” which is available in the Collections section of the website.

The Artist.

I’ve always enjoyed drawing, although I would not consider myself to be a good artist. I have done a lot of humor writing on different blogs and websites over the years, and always enjoyed it. I’ve been lucky enough to have some stuff go viral which is cool to get feedback from people who enjoyed something you created or got something from it. Really it’s all just a creative outlet for me to get these things out of my head, but if other people enjoy it that’s even better. I am what Wikipedia refers to as a “Xennial” (Gen X/Millennial), which means I am lucky enough to have lived through the 80’s and 90’s. I was born and raised in Texas and live in the Dallas area with my wife and our two rescue dogs, Enzo and Lucy, who are featured in the comics.


The Website.

Everything about this website is 100% funded by me. I absolutely hate it when you visit a website for a comic or any other entertainment and it’s a clusterfuck of advertisements surrounding the content. It’s trashy, confusing, and honestly, I don’t care if you buy boner pills or not (or whatever they are selling). I wanted to make this website as simple as possible to focus on the content and not the monetization. Eventually I may add a Venmo link or something in case you want to donate and help support the site or buy me a coffee or whatever. Or maybe a Patreon for bonus content. Who knows. But I can tell you there will not be ads on this site.